Timofeev B. D.

Work place:

ГНУ «Объединенный институт энергетических и ядерных исследований – Сосны» НАН Беларуси


Д-р техн. наук, проф., академик МАХ

E-mail: bortim@tut.by

Timofeev B. D., Nikolaev V. A. Modified ozone-friendly refrigerant mixtures as substitutes for R22

The article was published in issue 1 of 2014

Timofeev B. D. Representative Branch on the IAR in Belarus

The article was published in issue 1 of 2013

Ananiev A.A., Timofeev B. D., Merkulov М. I., Akulich D. А. R22 turbo compressor refrigeration equipment refrofitted to work on ozone friendly mixed refrigerants

The article was published in issue 3 of 2011

Timofeev B. D., Volkov V. V. Process flowsheet of heat recovery at reverse cooling of auticlaves

The article was published in issue 4 of 2009

Belyaeva O. V., Grebenkov A. Zh., Timofeev B. D. Скорость звука в жидкой фазе смеси R32 / R125 / R134a

The article was published in issue 1 of 2000

Belyaeva O. V., Grebenkov A. Zh., Timofeev B. D. Sound velocity in liquid phase of the mixture R134a and R152a

The article was published in issue 2 of 2001

Timofeev B. D., Nikolaev V. A., Suslov A.E., Fatykhov Yu. A. The ratio of prices for energy carriers in Belarus and Kaliningrad Province as a means to justify the introduction of heat pumps

The article was published in issue 3 of 2012

Grebenkov A. Zh., Belyaeva O. V., Zayats T. A., Timofeev B. D., Tsurbelev V. P. Phase equilibrium of freon R245fa from 242 Kto critical point

The article was published in issue 1 of 2007

Timofeev B. D., Nagula P. K., Zayats T. A., Akulich D. А. Pilot study of Ekokhol 1 ozone-safe mix with the use of mineral refrigerating oil

The article was published in issue 3 of 2015

Akulich D. А., Timofeev B. D. Retrofitting centrifugal refrigerating machines and compressors to HFC refrigerants in Belarus

The article was published in issue 2 of 2017