Mezenova O. Ya.

Work place:

Калининградский государственный технический университет, кафедра пищевой биотехнологии


Д-р техн. наук, профессор, академик МАХ


Fatykhov Yu. A., Erlikhman V.N., Titova I.M., Baydalinova L.S., Semenov B. N., Shenderyuk V. I., Andreev M. P., Kiselev V. I., Mezenova O. Ya., Klyuchko N. Yu. History and development of food technologies at the Kaliningrad Division of the IAR

The article was published in issue 1 of 2013

Mezenova O. Ya., Potapov P. P., Ruleva Т. N. Reactions of infusorian Stylonychia mytilus on factors of safety of the sterilized fish canned food under the contents benz(a)pyren

The article was published in issue 2 of 2011

Mezenova O. Ya., Kazakova O. N. Modelling of the compounding of shortcake with addition stevia and topinimbour, intended for a diabetic feed

The article was published in issue 4 of 2010

Mezenova O. Ya., Shukova Y. А. Bioethanol production from wheat straw

The article was published in issue 4 of 2011

Baydalinova L.S., Mezenova O. Ya., Hoeling A. , Moersel Jörg-Thomas , Mezenova N. Yu. Active peptides of fish scale in gainers for sports nutrition

The article was published in issue 2 of 2014

Mezenova O. Ya., Semenov B. N., Skapets O. V. Complex processing of whey to obtain functional products using chitosan and pectin biopolymers

The article was published in issue 3 of 2012

Mezenova O. Ya., Klyuchko N. Yu., Kluchko A. N. The evaluation of a microbiological component of quality of a new kind of preserved fish with different storage temperatures

The article was published in issue 4 of 2006

Mezenova O. Ya., Potapova V. A. The optimization of fish-plant snacks formula

The article was published in issue 3 of 2015

Mezenova O. Ya., Matkovskaya M. V. Biotechnology of products from fish waste for elderly nutrition

The article was published in issue 4 of 2015

Mezenova O. Ya., Isakova T S Biotechnology whole-smoked poultry products

The article was published in issue 2 of 2016

Mezenova O. Ya. Prospects for producing and using proteins from secondary fish raw materials

The article was published in issue 1 of 2018

Keshtkar S., Mezenova O. Ya., Hosseini S., Romiani E. The Study of the influence of various factors on the ethanol production by the Hanseniaspora opuntiae

The article was published in issue 2 of 2019

Agafonova S.V., Rykov A.I., Mezenova O. Ya. Biological value of lupine proteins and their prospects in the food industry

The article was published in issue 2 of 2019

Mezenova O. Ya., Barotova Madina A., Bedareva Olga M. , Shenderyuk V. I. Justification of the recipe and technology for dried fish-vegetable snacks based on thermomodified Baltic bream tissues

The article was published in issue 1 of 2020

Mezenova O. Ya., Mörsel Jörg-Thomas , Vorontsov Stanislav A., Vorontsov Pavel A. Assessment of the biopotential of wild buckthorn and prospects of its integrated use

The article was published in issue 3 of 2020

Mezenova O. Ya., Tischler Dirk, Agafonova S.V., Mezenova N. Yu., Volkov Vladimir V., Baranenko D.A., Grimm T. , Riedel Sebastian Research and rational use of peptide and lipid compositions obtained by hydrolysis processing of collagen-containing tissues

The article was published in issue 1 of 2021

Mezenova O. Ya., Barotova Madina A. Determination of the shelf life for dried fish-vegetable snacks based on meat and bone fish raw materials

The article was published in issue 3 of 2021

Sushina Anastasia D., Mezenova O. Ya. Obtaining and using smoked composition based on the extracts of Fur-cellaria Lumbricalis red seaweed

The article was published in issue 1 of 2022

Mezenova O. Ya., Samburskaya Nadezhda V., Сушина А. Д., Mörsel Jörg-Thomas Using the potential of red algae in the technology of smokeless fish smoking

The article was published in issue 4 of 2022

Mezenova O. Ya. Modern food biotechnology: main problems and challenges

The article was published in issue 1 of 2023

Mezenova O. Ya., Maksimova Svetlana N., Agafonova S.V., Romanenko Natalya Yu., Kalinina Natalya S., Volkov Vladimir V., Mörsel Jörg-Thomas Biopotential of secondary crab raw materials and products of its hy-drolysis for use in aquabiotechnology

The article was published in issue 3 of 2023

Mezenova O. Ya., Agafonova S.V., Romanenko Natalya Yu., Kalinina Natalya S., Volkov Vladimir V. The process of fat extraction from fish processing waste as a raw material for biotechnological synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates

The article was published in issue 1 of 2024

Mezenova O. Ya., Agafonova S.V., Romanenko Natalya Yu., Kalinina Natalya S., Volkov Vladimir V., Dambarovich Leonid V., Fedorov Dmitry S., Fedorova Olesya S., Yachnikov Denis V. Optimization of the enzymatic process of fat isolation from secondary fish raw materials for use in biotechnology

The article was published in issue 3 of 2024