Возможности применения мембранных процессов для производства продуктов функционального назначения
УДК 664.012
Алексеев Г. В., Хрушкова Е. Н., Красильников В.Н.
Health of each person and nations in significant measure is defined by typical ration is drunk-thread. Under inferioity feeding are broken metabolism, functional ability to food, cardiovascular, nervious and the other systems. As is well known, important role in walkie-talkie feeding belongs to the animal a squirrel. For the last 10 years in ration россиян is revealled defect squirrel, containing all irreplaceable amino acid. Available literary is given and own results, got author, are indicative of efficiency abusive technology at separation separate faction emulsion under the most further use them in product production of the functional feeding.
Ключевые слова: функциональное питание, лецитин, пролипосомы, заргузка липосом, липосомальный транспорт, мембранные технологии разделения суспензий
Возможности применения мембранных процессов для производства продуктов функционального назначения
Health of each person and nations in significant measure is defined by typical ration is drunk-thread. Under inferioity feeding are broken metabolism, functional ability to food, cardiovascular, nervious and the other systems. As is well known, important role in walkie-talkie feeding belongs to the animal a squirrel. For the last 10 years in ration россиян is revealled defect squirrel, containing all irreplaceable amino acid. Available literary is given and own results, got author, are indicative of efficiency abusive technology at separation separate faction emulsion under the most further use them in product production of the functional feeding.
Ключевые слова: функциональное питание, лецитин, пролипосомы, заргузка липосом, липосомальный транспорт, мембранные технологии разделения суспензий