Метод расчета асимметричных составляющих свободной энергии в физических переменных
УДК 536.71
Рыков С.В., Кудрявцева И.В.
Known scale and wide-range equations of state developed in physical variables density-temperature, describe a liquid and gas in a vicinity of a critical point on the basis of model lattice gas. The method of construction of asymmetric components of Helmholtz free energy in the physical variables density-temperature providing the account of asymmetry of real system a liquid-vapor concerning critical isochore, a critical isotherm and a line of phase equilibrium, according to requirements of the modern theory of the critical phenomena is offered. The method is based on the joint analysis of the power laws transferring behaviour of thermodynamic functions in a wide vicinity of a critical point according to requirements of the modern theory of the critical phenomena and power functional. The scaling functions offered in given work, allow to construct the uniform not analytical equation of state considering asymmetry of a thermodynamic surface concerning critical isochore.
Метод расчета асимметричных составляющих свободной энергии в физических переменных
Known scale and wide-range equations of state developed in physical variables density-temperature, describe a liquid and gas in a vicinity of a critical point on the basis of model lattice gas. The method of construction of asymmetric components of Helmholtz free energy in the physical variables density-temperature providing the account of asymmetry of real system a liquid-vapor concerning critical isochore, a critical isotherm and a line of phase equilibrium, according to requirements of the modern theory of the critical phenomena is offered. The method is based on the joint analysis of the power laws transferring behaviour of thermodynamic functions in a wide vicinity of a critical point according to requirements of the modern theory of the critical phenomena and power functional. The scaling functions offered in given work, allow to construct the uniform not analytical equation of state considering asymmetry of a thermodynamic surface concerning critical isochore.