Криоконсервация и криохранение стволовых клеток в банках пуповинной крови и костного мозга
УДК 615: 621.59
Смолянинов А. Б., Багаутдинов Ш. М. , Хурцилава О. Г., Кованько Г. Н.
The nature of destruction of a cell during its freezing and the mechanism of prevention of this destruction using cryoprotectors has been considered. Special features of cryoconservation of founder cells (FC) and the technique of this process are described. A container for the storage of founder cells and methods of maintaining low temperatures during storage of FC: nitrogen vapor or liquid nitrogen chilling, and also mechanical chilling are described. Cryoprotectors for cryoconservation of FC : glycerol, dimethylsulfooxide, hydroxyethylstarch and other polymers are described in detail. Recommendations on chilling conditions of FC during their cryoconservation and heating before use given.
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Криоконсервация и криохранение стволовых клеток в банках пуповинной крови и костного мозга
The nature of destruction of a cell during its freezing and the mechanism of prevention of this destruction using cryoprotectors has been considered. Special features of cryoconservation of founder cells (FC) and the technique of this process are described. A container for the storage of founder cells and methods of maintaining low temperatures during storage of FC: nitrogen vapor or liquid nitrogen chilling, and also mechanical chilling are described. Cryoprotectors for cryoconservation of FC : glycerol, dimethylsulfooxide, hydroxyethylstarch and other polymers are described in detail. Recommendations on chilling conditions of FC during their cryoconservation and heating before use given.
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