Аналитическое решение уравнения теплопроводности для расчета изменения температуры тела, обусловленного электрокалорическим эффектом
УДК 621.362./536.2
Старков А.С., Пахомов О.В.
An analytical solution to the problem of heat conductivity for a medium with electric and caloric effect has been obtained for the first time. It is shown that electrical field, changing according to harmonic law, leads to steady-state temperature gradient along asolidbody, which can be used as a new principle for creating solid-state coolers on electrocaloric effect.
Аналитическое решение уравнения теплопроводности для расчета изменения температуры тела, обусловленного электрокалорическим эффектом
An analytical solution to the problem of heat conductivity for a medium with electric and caloric effect has been obtained for the first time. It is shown that electrical field, changing according to harmonic law, leads to steady-state temperature gradient along asolidbody, which can be used as a new principle for creating solid-state coolers on electrocaloric effect.