Analytical solution of heat conductivity equation for the calculation of body temperature change, caused by electrocaloric effect
UDC 621.362./536.2
Starkov A.S., Pakhomov O.V.
An analytical solution to the problem of heat conductivity for a medium with electric and caloric effect has been obtained for the first time. It is shown that electrical field, changing according to harmonic law, leads to steady-state temperature gradient along asolidbody, which can be used as a new principle for creating solid-state coolers on electrocaloric effect.
Analytical solution of heat conductivity equation for the calculation of body temperature change, caused by electrocaloric effect
An analytical solution to the problem of heat conductivity for a medium with electric and caloric effect has been obtained for the first time. It is shown that electrical field, changing according to harmonic law, leads to steady-state temperature gradient along asolidbody, which can be used as a new principle for creating solid-state coolers on electrocaloric effect.