On the problem of a mathematical model for herring salting process
UDC 664.047:530.17
Shumanova M. V., Fatykhov Yu. A., Shumanov V. A.
The problem of creating a mathematical model of any process is of great importance in various researches. The article deals with an attempt to create a model of fish (herring) salting process. The circulation of sodium chloride from an aqueous solution in herring is analyzed. The task was reduced to salt distribution in a semi-infinite rod from instantaneous source of salt located in one of its cross-sections. The dimensional analysis is used for this purpose. As a result, the decision is obtained by self-similar solution of diffusion equation. The solution is valid for the time interval when the size of salt distribution area is much larger than the size of initial salt-releasing area h but, at the same time, is smaller than the area of fish cord. This solution has a quality similar to the experimental results obtained by photon correlation spectroscopy.
Keywords: herring, salt, diffusion equation, self-similarity, dimensional analysis, diffusion coefficient, concentration
On the problem of a mathematical model for herring salting process
The problem of creating a mathematical model of any process is of great importance in various researches. The article deals with an attempt to create a model of fish (herring) salting process. The circulation of sodium chloride from an aqueous solution in herring is analyzed. The task was reduced to salt distribution in a semi-infinite rod from instantaneous source of salt located in one of its cross-sections. The dimensional analysis is used for this purpose. As a result, the decision is obtained by self-similar solution of diffusion equation. The solution is valid for the time interval when the size of salt distribution area is much larger than the size of initial salt-releasing area h but, at the same time, is smaller than the area of fish cord. This solution has a quality similar to the experimental results obtained by photon correlation spectroscopy.
Keywords: herring, salt, diffusion equation, self-similarity, dimensional analysis, diffusion coefficient, concentration