The refrigerant’s future: The phase down of HFCs and its consequences
UDC 621.5
Coulomb Didier
The International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) is an independent intergovernmental science and technology based organization which promotes knowledge of refrigeration and associated technologies that improve quality of life in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner including: • Food quality and safety from farm to consumer; • Comfort in homes and commercial buildings; • Health products and services; • Low temperature technology and liquefied gas technology; • Energy efficiency; • Use of non-ozone-depleting and low global warming refrigerants in a safe manner. A phase down of HFCs will take place very soon in Europe and in the future most likely everywhere in the world, even if the ways countries will implement it are often unknown and will certainly vary country by country. We need to prepare it now. Training engineers and technicians worldwide in a rapidly developing and changing sector is necessary. Improving and developing new technologies requires increasing research in universities and companies.
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The refrigerant’s future: The phase down of HFCs and its consequences
The International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) is an independent intergovernmental science and technology based organization which promotes knowledge of refrigeration and associated technologies that improve quality of life in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner including: • Food quality and safety from farm to consumer; • Comfort in homes and commercial buildings; • Health products and services; • Low temperature technology and liquefied gas technology; • Energy efficiency; • Use of non-ozone-depleting and low global warming refrigerants in a safe manner. A phase down of HFCs will take place very soon in Europe and in the future most likely everywhere in the world, even if the ways countries will implement it are often unknown and will certainly vary country by country. We need to prepare it now. Training engineers and technicians worldwide in a rapidly developing and changing sector is necessary. Improving and developing new technologies requires increasing research in universities and companies.
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