Food security and refrigerating technology
UDC 664.8. 037.1
Kolodyazna V.S., Kiprushkina E.I., Baranenko D.A., Rumyantseva O.N, Shestopalova I.A.
The review is dedicated to scientific information on applying refrigeration onto processing and storage technologies of food raw materials and foodstuffs of animal and vegetable origin. Implementation of innovative resource- and power-saving refrigerating technologies provides minimal losses and maximum quality and nutritional value of foodstuffs from production to consumption. It is important in solving the problems of food security.
Keywords: food security, refrigeration technology, foodstuffs, storage, processing, quality.
Food security and refrigerating technology
The review is dedicated to scientific information on applying refrigeration onto processing and storage technologies of food raw materials and foodstuffs of animal and vegetable origin. Implementation of innovative resource- and power-saving refrigerating technologies provides minimal losses and maximum quality and nutritional value of foodstuffs from production to consumption. It is important in solving the problems of food security.
Keywords: food security, refrigeration technology, foodstuffs, storage, processing, quality.