Analysing overall performance of a reciprocating expander at variable durations of admission process
UDC 621.59(083)
Prilutski I.K., Molodova Yu. I., Prilutsky A.I., Snazin A.A. , Voroshilov I. V.
This publication presents the results of numerical analysis of a reciprocating expander’s performance at different durations of admission process varied by means of discrete changes in the tension of the intake valve springs. Qualitative and quantitative relationships between the expander’s isentropic efficiency ηS and the relative piston stroke C2 are considered in the process of admission at different levels of imperviousness of the working chamber. It is shown that the shape of the function ηS = f(С2) depends to the greatest extent on the hermetic sealing of the expander stage.
Keywords: reciprocating expander, work cycle, numeric experiment, reality of working medium, heat exchange, efficiency.
Analysing overall performance of a reciprocating expander at variable durations of admission process
This publication presents the results of numerical analysis of a reciprocating expander’s performance at different durations of admission process varied by means of discrete changes in the tension of the intake valve springs. Qualitative and quantitative relationships between the expander’s isentropic efficiency ηS and the relative piston stroke C2 are considered in the process of admission at different levels of imperviousness of the working chamber. It is shown that the shape of the function ηS = f(С2) depends to the greatest extent on the hermetic sealing of the expander stage.
Keywords: reciprocating expander, work cycle, numeric experiment, reality of working medium, heat exchange, efficiency.