Energoefficiency and Environmental control problems of refrigeration
UDC 621.56
Tsvetkov O.B. , Laptev Yu.A.
On February 2 2011 in St. Petersburg at the State University of Refrigeration and Food Engineering the IAR Conference «Energoefficiency and Environmental control problems of refrigeration» took place. The total of thirty one reports were presented.
Keywords: refrigeration, air-conditioning, heating applications, compressors, refrigerants, thermophysical properties, oils, heat exchange, environmental control.
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Energoefficiency and Environmental control problems of refrigeration
On February 2 2011 in St. Petersburg at the State University of Refrigeration and Food Engineering the IAR Conference «Energoefficiency and Environmental control problems of refrigeration» took place. The total of thirty one reports were presented.
Keywords: refrigeration, air-conditioning, heating applications, compressors, refrigerants, thermophysical properties, oils, heat exchange, environmental control.
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