Cryogenic system of a superconducting separator for the kaon channel in the IHEP accelerator
UDC 621.59
Ageev A. I., Kozub S. S., Stolyarov M. N.
A cryogenic system for cooling a superconducting separator in the accelerator’s kaon channel was developed and patented at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP). The separator consists of two superconducting RF cavities. The interval between them is 76 m. The cryogenic system cools these cavities by superfluid helium at a temperature of 1.8 K, with refrigeration capacity of 280 W. The design of the cryogenic system and experience of its operation are presented in the article.
Keywords: superconducting separator, cryogenic system, helium, heat exchanger.
Cryogenic system of a superconducting separator for the kaon channel in the IHEP accelerator
A cryogenic system for cooling a superconducting separator in the accelerator’s kaon channel was developed and patented at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP). The separator consists of two superconducting RF cavities. The interval between them is 76 m. The cryogenic system cools these cavities by superfluid helium at a temperature of 1.8 K, with refrigeration capacity of 280 W. The design of the cryogenic system and experience of its operation are presented in the article.
Keywords: superconducting separator, cryogenic system, helium, heat exchanger.