Summary of the experimental data on dielectric permittivity of water, ammonia and the refrigerants R134a and R152a
UDC 621.039.534:621.574.3
Arefiev K. M., Mulev Yu. V., Belyaeva O. V., Zayats T. A.
Experimental data on the permittivity of water, ammonia and the refrigerants R134a and R152a in vapour and liquid phases have been summarized. On the basis of summarization, correlations were identified for dielectric permittivity of ammonia at saturation pressure.
Keywords: permittivity, water, ammonia, refrigerants, summarization, experimental data.
Summary of the experimental data on dielectric permittivity of water, ammonia and the refrigerants R134a and R152a
Experimental data on the permittivity of water, ammonia and the refrigerants R134a and R152a in vapour and liquid phases have been summarized. On the basis of summarization, correlations were identified for dielectric permittivity of ammonia at saturation pressure.
Keywords: permittivity, water, ammonia, refrigerants, summarization, experimental data.