The equation of the saturation and elasticity line of the R218 refrigerant
UDC 536.71
Rykov A.V., Rykov S.V., Kudryavtseva I.V.
This work offers a solution to the problem of describing the behaviour of a substance on the elasticity line and on the curve of coexistence within the liquid–vapour system, specifically considering the requirements of the modern theory of critical phenomena – a vital issue up to nowadays. The developed equation of state is used to describe the line of phase equilibrium for the R218 refrigerant. Deviations between the values ps calculated by means of the suggested equation and the reference tabular data do not exceed 2%, while the root mean square deviation between them is equal to 1%, which testifies to high accuracy of the suggested equation of the elasticity line. Deviations between the values ρ+ calculated by means of this equation and the reference tabular data do not exceed 0,6%.
Keywords: R218 refrigerant, saturation line, elasticity line, critical indices.
The equation of the saturation and elasticity line of the R218 refrigerant
This work offers a solution to the problem of describing the behaviour of a substance on the elasticity line and on the curve of coexistence within the liquid–vapour system, specifically considering the requirements of the modern theory of critical phenomena – a vital issue up to nowadays. The developed equation of state is used to describe the line of phase equilibrium for the R218 refrigerant. Deviations between the values ps calculated by means of the suggested equation and the reference tabular data do not exceed 2%, while the root mean square deviation between them is equal to 1%, which testifies to high accuracy of the suggested equation of the elasticity line. Deviations between the values ρ+ calculated by means of this equation and the reference tabular data do not exceed 0,6%.
Keywords: R218 refrigerant, saturation line, elasticity line, critical indices.