The use of nitrogen against the consequences of oil pollution and firefighting
UDC 621.564.27:621.565.9:664
Venger K. P., Minashkin N. V., Feskov O. A.
A technology and a device have been designed to ensure fast and efficient local quenching of fires in any territory, freezing of soil contaminated with petrochemicals, explosive, toxic and chemically aggressive substances, its subsequent removal and disposal, and cutting down the duration and costs during localization of such emergencies.
Keywords: liquid nitrogen, oil pollution, quick freezing, cryogenic module, firefighting, backpack extinguisher.
The use of nitrogen against the consequences of oil pollution and firefighting
A technology and a device have been designed to ensure fast and efficient local quenching of fires in any territory, freezing of soil contaminated with petrochemicals, explosive, toxic and chemically aggressive substances, its subsequent removal and disposal, and cutting down the duration and costs during localization of such emergencies.
Keywords: liquid nitrogen, oil pollution, quick freezing, cryogenic module, firefighting, backpack extinguisher.