Programmed freezing during the floating of liquid-phase suspension granules in the process of cryogranulation
UDC 536.24
Belukov S. V., Sokolov A. V.
This publication generalizes regulations in the behaviour of a granule in liquid nitrogen with subsequent recording of a simplified mathematical model of such granule’s behaviour in order to identify its basic positions. The software for calculating behaviour processes in liquid nitrogen has been tested, and the borders of the mathematical model of its application and justification have been assessed.
Keywords: cryogranulation, steam layer, refrigerant, surface tension, boiling of cryogenic liquids.
Programmed freezing during the floating of liquid-phase suspension granules in the process of cryogranulation
This publication generalizes regulations in the behaviour of a granule in liquid nitrogen with subsequent recording of a simplified mathematical model of such granule’s behaviour in order to identify its basic positions. The software for calculating behaviour processes in liquid nitrogen has been tested, and the borders of the mathematical model of its application and justification have been assessed.
Keywords: cryogranulation, steam layer, refrigerant, surface tension, boiling of cryogenic liquids.