Use of effective radiation in the refrigerating system of an open-air ice skating rink
UDC 621.56(075.8)
Alexandr P. Tsoy, Aleksandr V. Baranenko, Eglit A. Yu.
The theory of radiant energy transfer in the atmosphere plays an important role in the calculation of heat leakages on the open-air ice rink. The earth surface, as a physical object with the temperature above 273°C, is a source of radiation called the thermal radiation of the Earth. Radiant exchange between the earth surface and the atmosphere is called the effective radiation of the earth surface. In summer, the refrigeration system of an open-air skating rink is stopped, but the concrete field of such rink is an ideal heat sink with a large area and can be used in the scheme of a heat pump to generate heat. The rink’s cooling system is technically almost ready to work in the mode of a heat pump.
Keywords: effective radiation into space, heat pump, heat and cold supply, cold accumulator.
Use of effective radiation in the refrigerating system of an open-air ice skating rink
The theory of radiant energy transfer in the atmosphere plays an important role in the calculation of heat leakages on the open-air ice rink. The earth surface, as a physical object with the temperature above 273°C, is a source of radiation called the thermal radiation of the Earth. Radiant exchange between the earth surface and the atmosphere is called the effective radiation of the earth surface. In summer, the refrigeration system of an open-air skating rink is stopped, but the concrete field of such rink is an ideal heat sink with a large area and can be used in the scheme of a heat pump to generate heat. The rink’s cooling system is technically almost ready to work in the mode of a heat pump.
Keywords: effective radiation into space, heat pump, heat and cold supply, cold accumulator.