Dielectric permittivity of ammonia used as a working substance of refrigerating plants

UDC 621.039.534:621.574.3

Dielectric permittivity of ammonia used as a working substance of refrigerating plants

Arefiev K. M., Mulev Yu. V., Belyaeva O. V., Zayats T. A.

The array of the existing experimental data on dielectric permittivity of ammonia was analysed over a wide range of conjugate variables. An equation was deduced to generalize the experimental data array according to the Kirkwood-Onsager model. Universal one-parameter dependency of ammonia dielectric permittivity on the density-to-temperature ratio was developed. These correlations may be used for diagnosing the states of ammonia during phase transitions in refrigerating plants.

Keywords: dielectric permittivity, ammonia, thermodynamic state functions, diagnostics, refrigerating plants.

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