Dielectric permittivity of ammonia used as a working substance of refrigerating plants
UDC 621.039.534:621.574.3
Arefiev K. M., Mulev Yu. V., Belyaeva O. V., Zayats T. A.
The array of the existing experimental data on dielectric permittivity of ammonia was analysed over a wide range of conjugate variables. An equation was deduced to generalize the experimental data array according to the Kirkwood-Onsager model. Universal one-parameter dependency of ammonia dielectric permittivity on the density-to-temperature ratio was developed. These correlations may be used for diagnosing the states of ammonia during phase transitions in refrigerating plants.
Keywords: dielectric permittivity, ammonia, thermodynamic state functions, diagnostics, refrigerating plants.
Dielectric permittivity of ammonia used as a working substance of refrigerating plants
The array of the existing experimental data on dielectric permittivity of ammonia was analysed over a wide range of conjugate variables. An equation was deduced to generalize the experimental data array according to the Kirkwood-Onsager model. Universal one-parameter dependency of ammonia dielectric permittivity on the density-to-temperature ratio was developed. These correlations may be used for diagnosing the states of ammonia during phase transitions in refrigerating plants.
Keywords: dielectric permittivity, ammonia, thermodynamic state functions, diagnostics, refrigerating plants.