Production of pure industrial gases by air separators in piston compressors modernized by BARRENS for the work without cylinder oiling

UDC 621.51

Production of pure industrial gases by air separators in piston compressors modernized by BARRENS for the work without cylinder oiling

Zakharenko V. P., Zakharenko A. V.

Remodelling piston compressors by converting piston-cylinder units to the mode without cylinder oiling is especially vital for air separating units producing oil-free industrial gases, such as azote, oxygen, argon, etc. Oil-free seals supplied by Barrens JSC are manufactured from the company’s own new 4G self-oiling materials BARS-500. Assembly designs of piston and rod seals are characterized by high reliability and long life.

Keywords: piston compressor, high pressure stage, sealing rings, discharge pressure.

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