Technological aspects of food soy dresser preservation
UDC [637.14+635.1.7]:66.065.2
Buyanova I. V., Orazova A. M.
The article deals with the issues of using secondary products of soy processing - soy dresser (okara) - in recipes of processed cheeses. It being perishable semi-finished product, its preservation methods and modes are analyzed. Positive and subcryoscopic temperature modes are considered. Physicochemical and microbiological quality indicators are analyzed during cold storage. Their analyses allow us to justify reasonable shelf life. Methods of refrigerated processing and dehydration to increase storage period of soy dresser are considered. In dry okara samples the dynamic of bacterial population change is as follows: after 3 month storage the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms increased to 4.1, after 5 month storage – to 5.7 and by the end of the storage time (12 months) – to 19 its original level. After long-term storage coliform bacterium has not been identified in dry okara. Quality assessment on microbiological and physicochemical parameters allows recommending freezing, thawing and drying modes and shelf life for soy okara. Properties of processed cheeses using okara after preservation in its recipe are analyzed. It resulted in making new type of processed cheese with soy dresser.
Keywords: food-soy dresser, chemical composition, cold storage, microbiological indicators, moisture, freezing.
Technological aspects of food soy dresser preservation
The article deals with the issues of using secondary products of soy processing - soy dresser (okara) - in recipes of processed cheeses. It being perishable semi-finished product, its preservation methods and modes are analyzed. Positive and subcryoscopic temperature modes are considered. Physicochemical and microbiological quality indicators are analyzed during cold storage. Their analyses allow us to justify reasonable shelf life. Methods of refrigerated processing and dehydration to increase storage period of soy dresser are considered. In dry okara samples the dynamic of bacterial population change is as follows: after 3 month storage the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms increased to 4.1, after 5 month storage – to 5.7 and by the end of the storage time (12 months) – to 19 its original level. After long-term storage coliform bacterium has not been identified in dry okara. Quality assessment on microbiological and physicochemical parameters allows recommending freezing, thawing and drying modes and shelf life for soy okara. Properties of processed cheeses using okara after preservation in its recipe are analyzed. It resulted in making new type of processed cheese with soy dresser.
Keywords: food-soy dresser, chemical composition, cold storage, microbiological indicators, moisture, freezing.