Design of systems of drainage of air of refrigerators
UDC 621.565.3: 635-156
Sheliba Y А., Zheliba T. A., Rimashevskiy Yu. S.
A low relative humidity in the long term refrigerated food stores is required to preserve the quality of some food products. Universal and small cool stores could not be equipped with the complex air conditioning and de-humidification systems, due to financial feasibility. A comparative analysis of existing methods to control relative humidity in refrigerated food stores is performed. Advantages and disadvantages of a de-humidification method based on air cooling, followed by air re-heating (in heaters mounted on air coolers), as well as the possible application areas of this method are discussed. Application of electric heaters and heaters with a coolant, heated by recycled heat are compared; additional heat load introduced to the cooling system is estimated. An engineering method, for refrigeration system capacity and air heating unit operation time calculations is presented. Relative humidity control in refrigerated onion bulk storage was used as an example to demonstrate the method.
Keywords: relative air humidity, cold storage room, dehumidification.
Design of systems of drainage of air of refrigerators
A low relative humidity in the long term refrigerated food stores is required to preserve the quality of some food products. Universal and small cool stores could not be equipped with the complex air conditioning and de-humidification systems, due to financial feasibility. A comparative analysis of existing methods to control relative humidity in refrigerated food stores is performed. Advantages and disadvantages of a de-humidification method based on air cooling, followed by air re-heating (in heaters mounted on air coolers), as well as the possible application areas of this method are discussed. Application of electric heaters and heaters with a coolant, heated by recycled heat are compared; additional heat load introduced to the cooling system is estimated. An engineering method, for refrigeration system capacity and air heating unit operation time calculations is presented. Relative humidity control in refrigerated onion bulk storage was used as an example to demonstrate the method.
Keywords: relative air humidity, cold storage room, dehumidification.