Organizational aspects of red blood cells cryopreservation in the activities of blood service in Russian Federation
UDC 615.38.012:612.111: 615.014.41
Chechetkin A. V., Danilchenko V. V., Volkova S. D., Makeev A. B., Soldatenkov V. E., Kiryanova G. Yu., Kasyanov A. D., Golovanova I. S.
In article the factors of cryopreserved erythrocytes preparation and their use for clinical purposes in Russian medical institutions were analyzed. The tendencies of red blood cells cryopreservation development at stations and departments of blood transfusion (blood centers) in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation were revealed. The main developments on cryopreservation of red blood cells are presented here: methods of freezing the red blood cells at ultra-low and moderately low temperatures protected by reduced concentration of glycerol (15-20%), with the optimized procedure of washing up the erythrocytes (double centrifugation and using solutions of sodium chloride in decreasing concentration); method of deferred washing up of erythrocytes after defrosting and storing at 4 deg C; the technology of procurement and stockpiling the leukoreduced quarantinized erythrocytes for immunological and infectious safety of transfusions.
Keywords: blood service, erythrocytes cryopreservation, delayed erythrocytes washing
Organizational aspects of red blood cells cryopreservation in the activities of blood service in Russian Federation
In article the factors of cryopreserved erythrocytes preparation and their use for clinical purposes in Russian medical institutions were analyzed. The tendencies of red blood cells cryopreservation development at stations and departments of blood transfusion (blood centers) in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation were revealed. The main developments on cryopreservation of red blood cells are presented here: methods of freezing the red blood cells at ultra-low and moderately low temperatures protected by reduced concentration of glycerol (15-20%), with the optimized procedure of washing up the erythrocytes (double centrifugation and using solutions of sodium chloride in decreasing concentration); method of deferred washing up of erythrocytes after defrosting and storing at 4 deg C; the technology of procurement and stockpiling the leukoreduced quarantinized erythrocytes for immunological and infectious safety of transfusions.
Keywords: blood service, erythrocytes cryopreservation, delayed erythrocytes washing