Device for refrigeration treatment of food with carbon dioxide recirculation
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2016-15-1-60-65
UDC 641.664.8.037.5
Neverov E. N.
In recent yearscryogenictreatment of food has been paid increased attention to. To find new safe refrigerants is of prime importance. One of them is carbon dioxide which has been used extensively both in closed refrigeration systems and for contact treatment. The treatment, when carbon dioxide is applied at product surface, is based on the sublimation effect – СО2boiling point is –78deg С The paper presents the design and operation cycle of a device for refrigeration treatment of fishwith carbon dioxide recirculation. Two independent systems of device cooling are provided to allow carbon dioxide consumption decreasing and its recirculating. In the former a product comes into direct contact with carbon dioxide, the latter is a closed cycle system. It widens technological options for the device and increases its productivity due to the use of combined refrigeration method.The proposed device for refrigeration treatment of food with carbon dioxide recirculation has increased productivity, reduces the carbon dioxide flow, and provides its more efficient use and recycling. It is compact and easy to use and can be recommended for fish processing plants.
Keywords: apparatus, carbon dioxide, recycling, sublimation, thermal field, heat flux density, thermal conductivity, temperature, isotherm, heat, product.
UDC 641.664.8.037.5
Device for refrigeration treatment of food with carbon dioxide recirculation
In recent yearscryogenictreatment of food has been paid increased attention to. To find new safe refrigerants is of prime importance. One of them is carbon dioxide which has been used extensively both in closed refrigeration systems and for contact treatment. The treatment, when carbon dioxide is applied at product surface, is based on the sublimation effect – СО2boiling point is –78deg С The paper presents the design and operation cycle of a device for refrigeration treatment of fishwith carbon dioxide recirculation. Two independent systems of device cooling are provided to allow carbon dioxide consumption decreasing and its recirculating. In the former a product comes into direct contact with carbon dioxide, the latter is a closed cycle system. It widens technological options for the device and increases its productivity due to the use of combined refrigeration method.The proposed device for refrigeration treatment of food with carbon dioxide recirculation has increased productivity, reduces the carbon dioxide flow, and provides its more efficient use and recycling. It is compact and easy to use and can be recommended for fish processing plants.
Keywords: apparatus, carbon dioxide, recycling, sublimation, thermal field, heat flux density, thermal conductivity, temperature, isotherm, heat, product.