Yeasts in modern biotechnology*
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2016-15-1-24-29
UDC 663.12
Bannizina T Е, Kanarskii A. V. , Shcherbakov А. V. , Chebotar V. K. , Kiprushkina E.I.
*This work was financially supported by Government of Russian Federation, Grant 074-U01 The article deals the use of yeasts in biotechnology. Yeasts are shown to dominate in biotechnology, food and pharmaceuticals industry, confectionary and bread making, animal industry. Recently the list of biotechnological processes with the use of yeasts has increased greatly. The role of yeasts in modern biotechnology, e.g. in new bioproducts manufacturing, ethanol metabolism, effective medications making, food additives, purifying water from oil slicks, and in the genetics and molecular biology as model organisms is being discussed.It has become possible to cultivate dietary yeasts using oil hydrocarbons as nutritive medium. High productive Rhodosporidium diobovatum carotinoid-synthesizing yeast strains are suggested to use, influence of different factors on carotenoid synthesis being specified. Another potential carotenoid source is Danuliella microalgae, which are able to accumulate 57-69 % of lutein, 20 % of carotene, 11-24 % of violaxanthin cycle xanthophylles in their cells.Yeast prions, structurally similar to the ones of mammals, are also studied intensively. Yeast prions are absolutely safe for human health. Due to their short life cycle the possibility of quick propagation and genetic researchability increases. Biotechnological potential of the yeasts is generalized, the prospect of their metabolism structural-functional organization peculiarities use in modern biotechnology are discussed
Keywords: yeast, organic products, applications, biotechnology.
UDC 663.12
Yeasts in modern biotechnology*
*This work was financially supported by Government of Russian Federation, Grant 074-U01 The article deals the use of yeasts in biotechnology. Yeasts are shown to dominate in biotechnology, food and pharmaceuticals industry, confectionary and bread making, animal industry. Recently the list of biotechnological processes with the use of yeasts has increased greatly. The role of yeasts in modern biotechnology, e.g. in new bioproducts manufacturing, ethanol metabolism, effective medications making, food additives, purifying water from oil slicks, and in the genetics and molecular biology as model organisms is being discussed.It has become possible to cultivate dietary yeasts using oil hydrocarbons as nutritive medium. High productive Rhodosporidium diobovatum carotinoid-synthesizing yeast strains are suggested to use, influence of different factors on carotenoid synthesis being specified. Another potential carotenoid source is Danuliella microalgae, which are able to accumulate 57-69 % of lutein, 20 % of carotene, 11-24 % of violaxanthin cycle xanthophylles in their cells.Yeast prions, structurally similar to the ones of mammals, are also studied intensively. Yeast prions are absolutely safe for human health. Due to their short life cycle the possibility of quick propagation and genetic researchability increases. Biotechnological potential of the yeasts is generalized, the prospect of their metabolism structural-functional organization peculiarities use in modern biotechnology are discussed
Keywords: yeast, organic products, applications, biotechnology.