Rankine cycle working fluid for the use of regasification cold
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2016-15-2-71-75
UDC 62-623.1, 62-68, 661.91-404, 665.6/7
FALMAN A. G., Ageysky D. E.
LNG (liquid natural gas) regasification facilities are abundant in natural gas consuming countries. Energy efficiency enhancement of these facilities is a crucial task. Most of the previously built facilities do not use cold of LNG for by-production whereas there are several modern techniques allowing energy and some other by-products to be produced along with regasification. Organic Rankine cycle agent expansion can be used for energy production in a regasification unit. The article deals with different working fluids for such Rankine-based units and the impact of their properties on the unit energy efficiency characteristics (exergy efficiency, specific lost work, specific fuel consumption, overall energy efficiency etc.). For such units Fluoroform (R23) and propane are recommended.
Keywords: liquid natural gas, LNG, regasification, Rankine cycle, exergy analysis, energy efficiency, fluoroform, R23, propane, working fluid.
UDC 62-623.1, 62-68, 661.91-404, 665.6/7
Rankine cycle working fluid for the use of regasification cold
LNG (liquid natural gas) regasification facilities are abundant in natural gas consuming countries. Energy efficiency enhancement of these facilities is a crucial task. Most of the previously built facilities do not use cold of LNG for by-production whereas there are several modern techniques allowing energy and some other by-products to be produced along with regasification. Organic Rankine cycle agent expansion can be used for energy production in a regasification unit. The article deals with different working fluids for such Rankine-based units and the impact of their properties on the unit energy efficiency characteristics (exergy efficiency, specific lost work, specific fuel consumption, overall energy efficiency etc.). For such units Fluoroform (R23) and propane are recommended.
Keywords: liquid natural gas, LNG, regasification, Rankine cycle, exergy analysis, energy efficiency, fluoroform, R23, propane, working fluid.