On the issue of compressible medium leakage in operating unit of single-rotor screw compressor (SSC) with circumferential shape of the tooth
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2016-15-3-43-46
UDC 621.515.4
Pronin V.A., Dolgovskaya O.V., Minikaev A.F.
Keywords: single-rotor screw compressor, hydraulic gas dynamic equations, tooth clipper of the district profile, leakage of the compressible medium.
UDC 621.515.4
On the issue of compressible medium leakage in operating unit of single-rotor screw compressor (SSC) with circumferential shape of the tooth
For citation: Пронин В.А., Долговская О.В., Миникаев А.Ф. К вопросу протечек компримируемой среды в рабочей части однороторного винтового компрессора (ВКО) с окружной формой зуба // Вестник Международной академии холода. 2016. № 3. С.43-46
In this paper the problem of the compressible medium leakage in the operating unit of the single-rotor screw compressor (EBA) with a peripheral shape of the tooth is considerd. Original system of differential equations for fluid dynamics in the relative motion of the rotating cylindrical coordinate system associated with the tooth clipper district profile is shown. It was found that, when dealing with the task in question, we should add the thermal and caloric equation of a continuous medium state to a system of differential equations of fluid dynamics. Dependences characterizing its viscosity and thermal conductivity as well as boundary and initial conditions should be also added. The simplification of the dependences obtained in the evaluation of the possible order for all their members taking into account the working medium flow character in the narrow gaps that occur in the engagement of screw-rotor compressor working elements is substantiated. The results of the continuity and movement equation calculation make it possible to describe the energy balance equation.
In this paper the problem of the compressible medium leakage in the operating unit of the single-rotor screw compressor (EBA) with a peripheral shape of the tooth is considerd. Original system of differential equations for fluid dynamics in the relative motion of the rotating cylindrical coordinate system associated with the tooth clipper district profile is shown. It was found that, when dealing with the task in question, we should add the thermal and caloric equation of a continuous medium state to a system of differential equations of fluid dynamics. Dependences characterizing its viscosity and thermal conductivity as well as boundary and initial conditions should be also added. The simplification of the dependences obtained in the evaluation of the possible order for all their members taking into account the working medium flow character in the narrow gaps that occur in the engagement of screw-rotor compressor working elements is substantiated. The results of the continuity and movement equation calculation make it possible to describe the energy balance equation.
Keywords: single-rotor screw compressor, hydraulic gas dynamic equations, tooth clipper of the district profile, leakage of the compressible medium.