The influence of the design parameters for the flow part of short diffusers on their gas-dynamic efficiency
UDC 532.556.42:697.94
Filkin N.Yu., Yusha V.L.
The influence of entrance diameter and length of guides in the short diffuser on pressure losses in its flowing part, and also on uniformity of the profile of its outlet velocities r is analyzed. The analysis is made with the use of the numerical calculation developed on the basis of ANSYS CFX software. Calculations were made for three options of short diffuser design with internal concentric guides along all diffuser length extended into the air duct and shortened. At the same time diameter ratio of inflow and outflow cross section of the diffuser changed from 0.1 to 0.7, and volume rate of airflow from 0.028 to 0.139 m3/s. The analysis proved that the smallest pressure losses occur with the use of extended guides, and the losses decrease with the increase of inflow diffuser diameter. The use of extended guides also provides the most uniform velocity field at the outlet from the diffuser. The results obtained can be useful in designing the flow part for the filters of life support systems.
Keywords: short diffuser, flow part, pressure losses, velocity field.
The influence of the design parameters for the flow part of short diffusers on their gas-dynamic efficiency
The influence of entrance diameter and length of guides in the short diffuser on pressure losses in its flowing part, and also on uniformity of the profile of its outlet velocities r is analyzed. The analysis is made with the use of the numerical calculation developed on the basis of ANSYS CFX software. Calculations were made for three options of short diffuser design with internal concentric guides along all diffuser length extended into the air duct and shortened. At the same time diameter ratio of inflow and outflow cross section of the diffuser changed from 0.1 to 0.7, and volume rate of airflow from 0.028 to 0.139 m3/s. The analysis proved that the smallest pressure losses occur with the use of extended guides, and the losses decrease with the increase of inflow diffuser diameter. The use of extended guides also provides the most uniform velocity field at the outlet from the diffuser. The results obtained can be useful in designing the flow part for the filters of life support systems.
Keywords: short diffuser, flow part, pressure losses, velocity field.