Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of hop products

UDC 664

Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of hop products

Derkanosova A.A. , Orinicheva A.A., Muravev A.S.

Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of hop products are investigated. Four varieties of the granulated hop made in European countries (Saaz, Spalter, Magnum, Perle) and Obyknovenny whole hop made in Russia (water extracts of its fruits and leaves) are the main material of the research. The humidity of samples is measured by express method with the use of FD-610 hydrometer, quantitative content of α-acids - by a conductometry method, content of general phenols - bt Flyuorat-02 analyzer for liquids, the content of pitches and antioxidant activity – by Tsvet-Yauza-01-AA analyzer. In terms of the chemical composition quality the samples are identical. Distinction is observed in quantitative content of the chemical compounds being analyzed. The smallest amount of valuable substances is contained in hop leaves. The value of antioxidant activity for the water extracts from the fruits of Obyknovenny hop is 3.9 mg/g, from the leaves of Obyknovenny hop – 2.5 mg/g, from the granules of Saaz hop – 6.5 mg/g, from the granules of Perle hop – 5.5 mg/g, from the granules of Spalter hop – 7.1 mg/g, from the granules of Magnum hop – 5.3 mg/g. The received indicators of antioxidant activity in samples of hop product extracts allow considering all analyzed samples as the components for formulas to expand raw materials range for functional products.

Keywords: antioxidant activity, hop, leaves.

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