Training technique in the field of the refrigeration and air conditioning based on the Worldskills standards

DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-1-35-37
UDC 378

Training technique in the field of the refrigeration and air conditioning based on the Worldskills standards

Igor V. Baranov, Pivinskiy A.A., Dubrovin S.A., Kornilev A.N.

For citation: Баранов И.В., Пивинский А.А., Дубровин С.А., Корнильев А.Н. Методика подготовки кадров в сфере холодиль-ной техники и кондиционирования воздуха по стандартам WorldSkills // Вестник Международной академии холода. 2017. № 1. С. 35-37

Specialized WorldSkills air conditioning and refrigirating competition center (SCC) was created on the basis of ITMO University. Training techniques and techniques in holding of regional and national competitions; competitive tasks; infrastractional lists and assessment criteria for unified information system on standarts of WorldSkills-CIS were successfully implemented on the basis of SCC; the national team's members of WorldSkills Russia and also competition's experts who are the basis of experts community are also trained. Center has a developed international relations including WorldSkills Internatinal direction (WSI).

Keywords: WorldSkills, specialized competition center, refrigeration, WorldSkills Russia.

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