Refrigerator car with nitrogen cold supply system
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-1-38-44
UDC 621.56/.59; 629.355; 629.463.125
Venger K. P., Romanov M.A., Feskov O. A.
Keywords: nitrogen cold supply, refrigerator car, refrigerator wagon, tank-car, technological platform, refrigerated processing, fire extinguishing, technogenic pollution.
UDC 621.56/.59; 629.355; 629.463.125
Refrigerator car with nitrogen cold supply system
For citation: Венгер К.П., Романов М.А., Феськов О.А. Рефрижераторный 5-вагонный состав с азотной системой хладоснабжения // Вестник Международной академии холода. 2017. № 1. С. 38-44
The use of cryogenic gases such as nitrogen for cooling cargo spaces of refrigerated transport seems to be of great prospects as such systems are simple to manufacture and maintain, and they are characterized by low temperatures (up to –196 oC). Hence, they allow providing any predetermined transportation mode inside cargo space. Refrigerator car with nitrogen cold supply system was developed.A constructive solution for refrigerator wagon and refrigerated tank for liquid foodstuffs allowing the most efficient use of liquid and gaseous nitrogen potential for cold treatment of any objects and fire extinguishing is shown. The calculations of dependencies of distance and duration of product transportation on the outside temperature and the predetermined temperature mode for different types of foods, as well as the calculations of nitrogen gas flow characteristics dependingon the condition and transportation mode of perishable food products are presented. Then, the feasibility of the method for refrigerated food processing and subsequent transportation is proved. Presented device for localization and liquidation of technogenic pollution consequences and fire extinguishing with the help of liquid and gaseous nitrogen are of particular interest in terms of their prospects, high efficiency, and the ability to receive cryogenic agent directly from theatmospheric air.
The use of cryogenic gases such as nitrogen for cooling cargo spaces of refrigerated transport seems to be of great prospects as such systems are simple to manufacture and maintain, and they are characterized by low temperatures (up to –196 oC). Hence, they allow providing any predetermined transportation mode inside cargo space. Refrigerator car with nitrogen cold supply system was developed.A constructive solution for refrigerator wagon and refrigerated tank for liquid foodstuffs allowing the most efficient use of liquid and gaseous nitrogen potential for cold treatment of any objects and fire extinguishing is shown. The calculations of dependencies of distance and duration of product transportation on the outside temperature and the predetermined temperature mode for different types of foods, as well as the calculations of nitrogen gas flow characteristics dependingon the condition and transportation mode of perishable food products are presented. Then, the feasibility of the method for refrigerated food processing and subsequent transportation is proved. Presented device for localization and liquidation of technogenic pollution consequences and fire extinguishing with the help of liquid and gaseous nitrogen are of particular interest in terms of their prospects, high efficiency, and the ability to receive cryogenic agent directly from theatmospheric air.
Keywords: nitrogen cold supply, refrigerator car, refrigerator wagon, tank-car, technological platform, refrigerated processing, fire extinguishing, technogenic pollution.