Thermal performance of the refrigeration unit in the air conditioning system with the use of organofluorine compounds as refrigerants
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-1-49-55
UDC 62-97
Vetrenko A.A., Antanenkova I. S.
Keywords: air conditioners, refrigerating fluid, working fluids, organofluorine compounds, method of calculation, the heat transfer coefficient of freon, freon evaporation, freon condensation, R218, Rс318.
UDC 62-97
Thermal performance of the refrigeration unit in the air conditioning system with the use of organofluorine compounds as refrigerants
For citation: Ветренко А.А., Антаненкова И.С. Теплотехнические характеристики аппаратов холодильной установки систе-мы кондиционирования воздуха на фторорганическом рабочем веществе // Вестник Международной академии холода. 2017. № 1. С. 49-55
The article presents the results of calculating the thermal performance of evaporator and condenser in air conditioning system with the use of new organofluorine compounds as refrigerants. To calculate heat exchange for in-tube refrigerant boiling the technique of evaluating average heat-transfer coefficient of refrigerant on the heat-exchange surface taking into account the flow regimes and their length if actual phase velocity is used was shown to be the most suitable one The main characteristics of condenser and evaporator thermal performance with the use ofR22, R32, R218, and Rc318refrigerants was calculated for the copper-aluminum plate-and-tube heat-exchangers. The use of organofluorine compounds in air-conditioning systems was proved to be of great prospects. A refrigeration unit for air conditioning system with the refrigeration capacity of 5 kW and the use of Rc318 and R218 was designed.The results of the research allows to have a solid theoretical foundation to introduce new refrigerants into modern systems of air-conditioning.
The article presents the results of calculating the thermal performance of evaporator and condenser in air conditioning system with the use of new organofluorine compounds as refrigerants. To calculate heat exchange for in-tube refrigerant boiling the technique of evaluating average heat-transfer coefficient of refrigerant on the heat-exchange surface taking into account the flow regimes and their length if actual phase velocity is used was shown to be the most suitable one The main characteristics of condenser and evaporator thermal performance with the use ofR22, R32, R218, and Rc318refrigerants was calculated for the copper-aluminum plate-and-tube heat-exchangers. The use of organofluorine compounds in air-conditioning systems was proved to be of great prospects. A refrigeration unit for air conditioning system with the refrigeration capacity of 5 kW and the use of Rc318 and R218 was designed.The results of the research allows to have a solid theoretical foundation to introduce new refrigerants into modern systems of air-conditioning.
Keywords: air conditioners, refrigerating fluid, working fluids, organofluorine compounds, method of calculation, the heat transfer coefficient of freon, freon evaporation, freon condensation, R218, Rс318.