Circulating system of thermostatting for rotary heat exchanger with single phase hydrogen
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-1-56-61
UDC 621.59
Borzenko E.I., Andrei V. Zaitsev, Bolshakov N.S., Zaikin E.I., Litvinovich A.V.
Keywords: cryostatting, superconductors, heat exchange, heat transfer coefficient, mathematical model.
UDC 621.59
Circulating system of thermostatting for rotary heat exchanger with single phase hydrogen
For citation: Борзенко Е.И., Зайцев А.В., Большаков Н.С., Заикин Е.И., Литвинович А.В. Анализ циркуляционной системы термостатирования вращающегося теплообменника с однофазным водородом // Вестник Международной академии холода. 2017. № 1. С. 56-61
The use of Nb3Sn иNb3Ge a superconductive materials for manufacturing superconducting field-windings allows increasing temperature of cryostatting to the temperature of hydrogen. To decrease the effect of increased pressure on heat stabilization of conductor resulted from the influence of centrifugal acceleration on heat transfer from superconductor to cryogenic agent at free convection and boiling, circulating flow of single phase refrigerant at supercritical conditions can be used. Complex mathematical model for circulating circuit of cryoturbogenerator is presented. The model consists of elements with distributed and lumped parameters. The mathematical model for recuperative heat exchangers with boiling of cryogenic agent in the intertubular space and radiant heat exchanger with distributed parameters are shown. The results of numerical experiment for circulating hydrogen are presented. When hydrogen is used heat load of cryogenic unit at the temperature of 18 Кis shown to be 186 W, and hydrogen temperature increases by only tenths of degrees when flow varied from 0.05 kg/s to 0.2 kg/s. All heat exchange regimes under investigation are characterized by relatively high values of heat transfer coefficient αi from 2000 W/(m2·К) to 2120 W/(m2·К).
The use of Nb3Sn иNb3Ge a superconductive materials for manufacturing superconducting field-windings allows increasing temperature of cryostatting to the temperature of hydrogen. To decrease the effect of increased pressure on heat stabilization of conductor resulted from the influence of centrifugal acceleration on heat transfer from superconductor to cryogenic agent at free convection and boiling, circulating flow of single phase refrigerant at supercritical conditions can be used. Complex mathematical model for circulating circuit of cryoturbogenerator is presented. The model consists of elements with distributed and lumped parameters. The mathematical model for recuperative heat exchangers with boiling of cryogenic agent in the intertubular space and radiant heat exchanger with distributed parameters are shown. The results of numerical experiment for circulating hydrogen are presented. When hydrogen is used heat load of cryogenic unit at the temperature of 18 Кis shown to be 186 W, and hydrogen temperature increases by only tenths of degrees when flow varied from 0.05 kg/s to 0.2 kg/s. All heat exchange regimes under investigation are characterized by relatively high values of heat transfer coefficient αi from 2000 W/(m2·К) to 2120 W/(m2·К).
Keywords: cryostatting, superconductors, heat exchange, heat transfer coefficient, mathematical model.