Earth’s climate and the transmission of earth’s heat radiation through the atmosphere
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-1-62-65
UDC 551.511.13
Lapovok Yevgeniy V., Khankov S.I.
Keywords: Earth’s climate, ocean, atmosphere, heat balance, radiant heat transfer, ocean thermal response time.
UDC 551.511.13
Earth’s climate and the transmission of earth’s heat radiation through the atmosphere
For citation: Лаповок Е.В., Ханков С.И. Влияние пропускания атмосферой теплового излучения земной поверхности на климат Земли // Вестник Международной академии холода. 2017. № 1. С. 62-65
The analysis of the Earth’s heat radiation transmission through the atmosphere in the window of from 8 to 3 mcm is an actual climatological issue. When concentration of the so called greenhouse gases increases atmospheric transmission reduces, that is generally believed to result in planetary temperature rise. We used mathematical model of unsteady heat transfer in the ocean-atmosphere system to analyze the influence of atmospheric transmission on the Earth’s surface and atmosphere temperature. The linear-time reduction of atmospheric transmission in the infrared spectrum from its current state to complete absorption was simulated. The average temperatures of atmosphere and ocean were shown to reduce gradually under those conditions. When atmospheric transmission reduces to zero the transition process will continue for decades - the longer, the more the rate of atmospheric transmission decrease is. It is probably due to the high thermal response time of the ocean at low radiation heat transfer. As atmospheric transmission reduces the ocean and atmosphere temperature decreases due to reradiating the excess of thermal energy absorbed by the atmosphere into space.
The analysis of the Earth’s heat radiation transmission through the atmosphere in the window of from 8 to 3 mcm is an actual climatological issue. When concentration of the so called greenhouse gases increases atmospheric transmission reduces, that is generally believed to result in planetary temperature rise. We used mathematical model of unsteady heat transfer in the ocean-atmosphere system to analyze the influence of atmospheric transmission on the Earth’s surface and atmosphere temperature. The linear-time reduction of atmospheric transmission in the infrared spectrum from its current state to complete absorption was simulated. The average temperatures of atmosphere and ocean were shown to reduce gradually under those conditions. When atmospheric transmission reduces to zero the transition process will continue for decades - the longer, the more the rate of atmospheric transmission decrease is. It is probably due to the high thermal response time of the ocean at low radiation heat transfer. As atmospheric transmission reduces the ocean and atmosphere temperature decreases due to reradiating the excess of thermal energy absorbed by the atmosphere into space.
Keywords: Earth’s climate, ocean, atmosphere, heat balance, radiant heat transfer, ocean thermal response time.