The influence of crystallite size on electrocaloric properties of ferroelectric ceramics
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-1-66-71
UDC 536.37
Buy M.T., Igor V. Baranov, Eskov A.V., Anokhin A.S., Semenov A.A., Pakhomov O.V.
Keywords: electrocaloric effect, grain size, cooling capacity, ferroelectric ceramics.
UDC 536.37
The influence of crystallite size on electrocaloric properties of ferroelectric ceramics
For citation: Буй М.Т., Баранов И.В., Еськов А.В., Анохин А.С., Семенов А.А., Пахомов О.В. Влияние размера кристаллитов на электро-калорические характеристики в сегнетоэлектрических керамиках // Вестник Международной академии холода. 2017. № 1. С. 66-71
The electrocaloric effect in non-linear dielectrics has been recently paid great attention to for its application in solid state cooling devices. One of the major drawbacks of these cooling devices is their low cooling capacity that limits their practical use. In this paper we investigated the influence of grain size on the adiabatic temperature change due to the electrocaloric effect in polycrystalline ferroelectric materials based on BST and PMN-PT. Mathematical models of electrocaloric effect dependence on the grain size have been developed, the simulation of solid state cooling device have been made.
The electrocaloric effect in non-linear dielectrics has been recently paid great attention to for its application in solid state cooling devices. One of the major drawbacks of these cooling devices is their low cooling capacity that limits their practical use. In this paper we investigated the influence of grain size on the adiabatic temperature change due to the electrocaloric effect in polycrystalline ferroelectric materials based on BST and PMN-PT. Mathematical models of electrocaloric effect dependence on the grain size have been developed, the simulation of solid state cooling device have been made.
Keywords: electrocaloric effect, grain size, cooling capacity, ferroelectric ceramics.