Retrofitting centrifugal refrigerating machines and compressors to HFC refrigerants in Belarus
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-2-50-52
UDC 621.574
Akulich D. А., Timofeev B. D.
Keywords: the retrofit of refrigeration equipment to HFC refrigerants, refrigerant of Jekohol type, mineral and synthetic refrigeration oil.
UDC 621.574
Retrofitting centrifugal refrigerating machines and compressors to HFC refrigerants in Belarus
For citation: Akulich D.A., Timofeev B.D. Retrofitting centrifugal refrigerating machines and compressors to HFC refrigerants in Belarus. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2017. No 2. p. 50-52
The article deals with retrofitting turbomachinery of 10ТХМВ-4000-2 type from R12 refrigerant to R142b/RC318 (0.42/0.58) to azeotrope mixture with out changing mineral oil. Refrigeration equipment of CVGD-39 type by TRANE company was used to retrofit R12 to R134 and to Jekohol HFC mixture (0.05R600a/0.95R134a). R134 with synthetic oil was used at the first stage. Jekohol HFC mixture (0.05R600a/0.95R134a) was proposed to retrofit refrigeration equipment without changing mineral oil, itsapplicability being checked experimentally.
The article deals with retrofitting turbomachinery of 10ТХМВ-4000-2 type from R12 refrigerant to R142b/RC318 (0.42/0.58) to azeotrope mixture with out changing mineral oil. Refrigeration equipment of CVGD-39 type by TRANE company was used to retrofit R12 to R134 and to Jekohol HFC mixture (0.05R600a/0.95R134a). R134 with synthetic oil was used at the first stage. Jekohol HFC mixture (0.05R600a/0.95R134a) was proposed to retrofit refrigeration equipment without changing mineral oil, itsapplicability being checked experimentally.
Keywords: the retrofit of refrigeration equipment to HFC refrigerants, refrigerant of Jekohol type, mineral and synthetic refrigeration oil.