True parameters of boiling refrigerants in tubes and channels
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-2-53-56
UDC 621.56
Aleksandr A. Malyshev, Kisser K.V., Andrei V. Zaitsev
Keywords: vapor voidage, Weber criterion, mini channel, annular flow, slip flow, refrigerant boiling.
UDC 621.56
True parameters of boiling refrigerants in tubes and channels
For citation: Malyshev A.A., Kisser K.V., Zaytsev A.V. True parameters of boiling refrigerants in tubes and channels. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2017. No 2. p. 53-56
This article provides overview of researches concerning thermo-hydrodynamic parameters of working fluid boiling in channels with different hydraulic diameter. The principles of a complex approach to analyzing thermo-hydrodynamic parameters when boiling in a closed space are described. Dependence of influence for both dimensional and dimensionless parameters on the modified equation of vapor voidage in macro- and mini channels is presented. Empirical coefficient taking into account the influence of Weber criterion at the phase thresholds was introduced. Comparison of experimental data by P. Hrnyak for the boiling of R134 refrigerant in mini channel Dh= 1.4 mm at the temperature t = 10 ºС with in the limits of mass velocity G = 100÷300 kg/(s·m2) to the modified equation of vapor voidage for mini channel were made.
This article provides overview of researches concerning thermo-hydrodynamic parameters of working fluid boiling in channels with different hydraulic diameter. The principles of a complex approach to analyzing thermo-hydrodynamic parameters when boiling in a closed space are described. Dependence of influence for both dimensional and dimensionless parameters on the modified equation of vapor voidage in macro- and mini channels is presented. Empirical coefficient taking into account the influence of Weber criterion at the phase thresholds was introduced. Comparison of experimental data by P. Hrnyak for the boiling of R134 refrigerant in mini channel Dh= 1.4 mm at the temperature t = 10 ºС with in the limits of mass velocity G = 100÷300 kg/(s·m2) to the modified equation of vapor voidage for mini channel were made.
Keywords: vapor voidage, Weber criterion, mini channel, annular flow, slip flow, refrigerant boiling.