Calculation of series water and air cooling condensers with floating condensation pressure
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-3-28-34
UDC 621.56/.59
Yusha V.L., Vitaly A. Maksimenko, Fot A.N.
Keywords: combined cooling, condensation node, water and air cooling, floating condensation pressure, ecology, energy saving, mathematical model, cold producing machines.
UDC 621.56/.59
Calculation of series water and air cooling condensers with floating condensation pressure
For citation: usha V.L., Maksimenko V.A., Fot A.N. Calculation of series water and air cooling condensers with floating condensation pressure. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2017. No 3. p. 28-34
The article deals with a calculation method for the cold producing machine with combined cooling condensers, and some numerical calculation results are also provided. The technique of heat load distribution and mass transfer rate for the condenser, and also coolant parameters’ determination before throttling is offered. Also the calculation of convergence criterion for the cold producing machine is presented. On the bases of on the well-known engineering calculation techniques for the cold producing machines and the ones of this article numerical calculation is carried out. The calculation results demonstrate the considerable range of condensation pressure change when natural circulation cycle of the cold producing machine, a cycle with refrigerating agent compression and the change of the sequence for the coolant passing in water-and air-cooledcondensers, is used. The calculation convergence criterion is selected upon the minimum annual and current costs on the efficient operation of the unit, that allows to design new refrigeration units with combined cooling condensers, to develop a control program of the refrigeration unit for the whole year of operation depending on cooling medium temperature change, electric power costs, cooling water, and other resources.
The article deals with a calculation method for the cold producing machine with combined cooling condensers, and some numerical calculation results are also provided. The technique of heat load distribution and mass transfer rate for the condenser, and also coolant parameters’ determination before throttling is offered. Also the calculation of convergence criterion for the cold producing machine is presented. On the bases of on the well-known engineering calculation techniques for the cold producing machines and the ones of this article numerical calculation is carried out. The calculation results demonstrate the considerable range of condensation pressure change when natural circulation cycle of the cold producing machine, a cycle with refrigerating agent compression and the change of the sequence for the coolant passing in water-and air-cooledcondensers, is used. The calculation convergence criterion is selected upon the minimum annual and current costs on the efficient operation of the unit, that allows to design new refrigeration units with combined cooling condensers, to develop a control program of the refrigeration unit for the whole year of operation depending on cooling medium temperature change, electric power costs, cooling water, and other resources.
Keywords: combined cooling, condensation node, water and air cooling, floating condensation pressure, ecology, energy saving, mathematical model, cold producing machines.