Peculiarities of heat exchange processes in the stages of small-scale machines of volume action with different mechanisms of movement
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-4-30-40
UDC 621.521
Prilutski I.K., Molodova Yu. I., Galyaev P.O. , Snazin A.A. , Molodov M.A., Ivanova I.L.
Keywords: low-cost compressor, axial and linear drive, stage, high pressure ratio, low average piston speed, working processes, heat exchange, modelling, numerical analysis.
UDC 621.521
Peculiarities of heat exchange processes in the stages of small-scale machines of volume action with different mechanisms of movement
For citation: Prilutskiy I.K., Molodova Ju.I., Galyaev P.O., Snazin A.A., Molodov M.A., Ivanova I.L. Peculiarities of heat exchange processes in the stages of small-scale machines of volume action with different mechanisms of movement.
Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2017. No 4. p. 30-40
The article deals with the results of numerical experiment analyzing the qualitative and quantitative changes in the working processes of the low-flow reciprocating compressors stages with axial and linear mechanisms of motion while maintaining constant cylinder’s diameters, average piston speed, and theoretical capacity. Results of computational analysis are shown both in digital and numerical forms. Their analysis helped us to set up new patterns in temperature diagrams for the stages of low-flow compressors with different geometric and regime parameters. The presence of minimal temperature is detected in the area of expansion in low-flow compressor stages with linear drive, which are characterized by the extensive cylinder's surface of heat-exchange, and the low frequency of the working cycle. It is proved that this is due to the readjustment of heat amount being removed on different surfaces of the working cycle resulted from a sudden temperature decline of the gas at the end of the pressurization and the combination with the increase of the cylinder’s surface of heat exchange and the decrease of heat release coefficient during the process of expansion.
The article deals with the results of numerical experiment analyzing the qualitative and quantitative changes in the working processes of the low-flow reciprocating compressors stages with axial and linear mechanisms of motion while maintaining constant cylinder’s diameters, average piston speed, and theoretical capacity. Results of computational analysis are shown both in digital and numerical forms. Their analysis helped us to set up new patterns in temperature diagrams for the stages of low-flow compressors with different geometric and regime parameters. The presence of minimal temperature is detected in the area of expansion in low-flow compressor stages with linear drive, which are characterized by the extensive cylinder's surface of heat-exchange, and the low frequency of the working cycle. It is proved that this is due to the readjustment of heat amount being removed on different surfaces of the working cycle resulted from a sudden temperature decline of the gas at the end of the pressurization and the combination with the increase of the cylinder’s surface of heat exchange and the decrease of heat release coefficient during the process of expansion.
Keywords: low-cost compressor, axial and linear drive, stage, high pressure ratio, low average piston speed, working processes, heat exchange, modelling, numerical analysis.