Monitoring of temperature of gas in the zone WBC
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-4-75-81
UDC 621.593
Baranov Aleksandr Yu., Ivanov V.I., Osina A., Sinkova V.A., Shestakova O.A.
Keywords: the general cryo-therapeutic action, whole body cryotherapy, heat-transfer agent, cryo-sauna, temperature monitoring.
UDC 621.593
Monitoring of temperature of gas in the zone WBC
For citation: Baranov A.Iu., Ivanov V.I., Osina A., Sinkova V.A., Shestakova O.A. Monitoring of temperature of gas in the zone WBC. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2017. No 4. p. 75-81
The article is dedicated to the estimation of the authenticity of the measurement of cryogenic gas temperature of heat-transfer agent in the zone of general cryo-therapeutic action, according to the international classification to the zone WBC. The temperature of the cooling gas is the most important technological parameter of devices for the realization WBC. However, data of the producers of the apparatuses of this class cause the substantiated doubts, since in the course of one cycle WBC the temperature of gas in the low-temperature cavities varies with an amplitude more than 20 K, and a rate of change in the temperature exceeds 1 K/s. Under such conditions the thermal inertia of series temperature sensors does not make it possible to reliably identify the temperature of gas medium. The nonconformity of the indications of the measuring equipment and declared parameters of process WBC can be the reason for low effectiveness and safety of procedures. The problem of the inertness of temperature sensors can be solved due to their rational arrangement. The arrangement of sensors out of the zone WBC in the flow of gas of heat-transfer agent provides the best results.
The article is dedicated to the estimation of the authenticity of the measurement of cryogenic gas temperature of heat-transfer agent in the zone of general cryo-therapeutic action, according to the international classification to the zone WBC. The temperature of the cooling gas is the most important technological parameter of devices for the realization WBC. However, data of the producers of the apparatuses of this class cause the substantiated doubts, since in the course of one cycle WBC the temperature of gas in the low-temperature cavities varies with an amplitude more than 20 K, and a rate of change in the temperature exceeds 1 K/s. Under such conditions the thermal inertia of series temperature sensors does not make it possible to reliably identify the temperature of gas medium. The nonconformity of the indications of the measuring equipment and declared parameters of process WBC can be the reason for low effectiveness and safety of procedures. The problem of the inertness of temperature sensors can be solved due to their rational arrangement. The arrangement of sensors out of the zone WBC in the flow of gas of heat-transfer agent provides the best results.
Keywords: the general cryo-therapeutic action, whole body cryotherapy, heat-transfer agent, cryo-sauna, temperature monitoring.