Simulation modeling of processes in life support systems
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2018-17-1-67-73
UDC 697.9/004.942
Marchenko A.S. , Sulin A.B., Afanasev S.M.
Keywords: simulation, life support systems, AnyLogic.
UDC 697.9/004.942
Simulation modeling of processes in life support systems
For citation: Marchenko A.S., Sulin A.B., Afanasev S.M. Simulation modeling of processes in life support systems. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2018. No 1. p. 67-73
The application of the simulation technique for the design of two life support systems is considered: the "filter–fan" system and the "thermoelectric air cooler – the cooling object". The principles of constructing models of these systems in the AnyLogic environment are given, the results of virtual experiments are analyzed. The output data of the model of the "filter–fan" system are the graphs of airflow versus pressure, which are built automatically in the process of virtual experiment. The model allows to consider the operation of the ventilation system and the process of filter contamination during the design phase and to assess which way to maintain a constant air flow will be most effective for a particular ventilation system. The functional of the model of the system "thermoelectric air cooler – cooling object" allows to simulate the process of output of the specified system to the steady-state regime. The calculation in this case is significantly complicated by the presence of phase transitions of water vapor, which affect both the number of calculated parameters and the complexity of the algorithm. The algorithm for calculating the air cooler in this case divides the operation of the system into stages: dry cooling, cooling with the condensation on the fins of the radiator, cooling with frost on the fins of the radiator and dry cooling after freezing all the moisture contained in the air of the chamber. Based on the calculation results, the dependence of the main design characteristics of the system "thermoelectric air cooler – cooling object" on time is constructed.
The application of the simulation technique for the design of two life support systems is considered: the "filter–fan" system and the "thermoelectric air cooler – the cooling object". The principles of constructing models of these systems in the AnyLogic environment are given, the results of virtual experiments are analyzed. The output data of the model of the "filter–fan" system are the graphs of airflow versus pressure, which are built automatically in the process of virtual experiment. The model allows to consider the operation of the ventilation system and the process of filter contamination during the design phase and to assess which way to maintain a constant air flow will be most effective for a particular ventilation system. The functional of the model of the system "thermoelectric air cooler – cooling object" allows to simulate the process of output of the specified system to the steady-state regime. The calculation in this case is significantly complicated by the presence of phase transitions of water vapor, which affect both the number of calculated parameters and the complexity of the algorithm. The algorithm for calculating the air cooler in this case divides the operation of the system into stages: dry cooling, cooling with the condensation on the fins of the radiator, cooling with frost on the fins of the radiator and dry cooling after freezing all the moisture contained in the air of the chamber. Based on the calculation results, the dependence of the main design characteristics of the system "thermoelectric air cooler – cooling object" on time is constructed.
Keywords: simulation, life support systems, AnyLogic.