The vortex air cooling system for cutting materials in aerospace industry
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2018-17-2-22-27
UDC 621.57
Belov G.O., Barbonov E.О., Uglanov D.A., Chertykovtsev P.A.
Keywords: vortex effect, polyjoint tube, heat emission, cutting zone, air cooling.
UDC 621.57
The vortex air cooling system for cutting materials in aerospace industry
For citation: Belov G.O., Barbonov E.О., Uglanov D.A., Chertykovtsev P.A. The vortex air cooling system for cutting materials in aerospace industry. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2018. No 2. p. 22-27
Under the mechanical manufacture conditions there are numerous situations when liquid cooling of cutting zone cannot be used. Traditional cooling by compressed airflow is not so effective. We suggest using the vortex effect to increase cooling effectiveness. Despite the numerous researches concerning vortex effect we have no general theoretic conception of this process. Therefore, we have to refuse mathematical modeling of the processes and to analyze experimental research of the vortex effect. Many experimental works showing good converging, they was chosen as a foundation to find the function of cooling value by the vortex tube depending on inlet airflow parameters and construction specificity of the vortex tube. This function allows to define the constructive parameters by which be the maximum cooling effect can be attained. The construction was developed according to the parameters obtained and the vortex tube with this construction was produced at PAO Salut and introduced in manufacture. Experimental research of the vortex tube confirms the calculation results for the value of the cooling airflow. The effectiveness of the vortex tube as a cutting zone cooler is exemplified.
Under the mechanical manufacture conditions there are numerous situations when liquid cooling of cutting zone cannot be used. Traditional cooling by compressed airflow is not so effective. We suggest using the vortex effect to increase cooling effectiveness. Despite the numerous researches concerning vortex effect we have no general theoretic conception of this process. Therefore, we have to refuse mathematical modeling of the processes and to analyze experimental research of the vortex effect. Many experimental works showing good converging, they was chosen as a foundation to find the function of cooling value by the vortex tube depending on inlet airflow parameters and construction specificity of the vortex tube. This function allows to define the constructive parameters by which be the maximum cooling effect can be attained. The construction was developed according to the parameters obtained and the vortex tube with this construction was produced at PAO Salut and introduced in manufacture. Experimental research of the vortex tube confirms the calculation results for the value of the cooling airflow. The effectiveness of the vortex tube as a cutting zone cooler is exemplified.
Keywords: vortex effect, polyjoint tube, heat emission, cutting zone, air cooling.