Fermented milk ice cream with prebiotic properties
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2018-17-4-15-21
UDC 637.146
Bogdanova E.V., Melnikova E.I., Budkevich R.O., Litvinova A.V.
Keywords: fermented milk ice cream with vegetable components, formulation, technological scheme, chemical composition and properties.
UDC 637.146
Fermented milk ice cream with prebiotic properties
For citation: Bogdanova E.V., Melnikova E.I., Budkevich R.O., Litvinova A.V. Fermented milk ice cream with prebiotic properties. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2018. No 4. p.15-21.
Current trends in the production of ice cream are associated not only with the growth of sales, but also with qualitative changes of assortment, the emergence and development of new market segments. The purpose of the research was to develop a recipe-component solution and technological scheme for the production of fermented ice cream enriched with physiological functional components of vegetable raw materials. The chemical composition and quality indicators of raw materials and finished product have been determined by conventional methods, as well as with the help of modern devices and information technologies. The objects of experimental research were cow's milk with 3,4 % of fat; whole milk powder containing 25 % of fat; cream containing 20 % of fat; and yogurt with syrups from vegetable raw materials subjected to subsequent freezing. The qualitative composition of the microflora of the produced yogurt has been studied. It is established that enriching the normalized mixture with essential amino acids, vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements of vegetable raw materials has a positive effect on the life activity of Lbm. bulgaricus, Str. thermophilus and B. bifidim. The content of the metabolism final products (organic and volatile fatty acids, acetaldehyde) increases as a result of the joint cultivation of these probiotic microorganisms. This provides enhancing the taste and aroma of yogurt before freezing. The whipping rate of the finished product is 75 % and the mass fraction of dry skimmed milk residue is not less than 11.1 %. This provides the formation of homogeneous ice and lactose crystals, as well as compliance with the requirements of GOST 32929-2014 «Sour milk ice cream. Specifications». The technology of the developed fermented ice cream has been improved giventhe useof mass-produced equipment. Technological modes of production were proved based on the results of experimental studies. The implementation of this technological scheme is appropriate due to expanding the range of functional products, the practical absence of such ice cream on the market, as well as the probiotic properties of the finished product.
Current trends in the production of ice cream are associated not only with the growth of sales, but also with qualitative changes of assortment, the emergence and development of new market segments. The purpose of the research was to develop a recipe-component solution and technological scheme for the production of fermented ice cream enriched with physiological functional components of vegetable raw materials. The chemical composition and quality indicators of raw materials and finished product have been determined by conventional methods, as well as with the help of modern devices and information technologies. The objects of experimental research were cow's milk with 3,4 % of fat; whole milk powder containing 25 % of fat; cream containing 20 % of fat; and yogurt with syrups from vegetable raw materials subjected to subsequent freezing. The qualitative composition of the microflora of the produced yogurt has been studied. It is established that enriching the normalized mixture with essential amino acids, vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements of vegetable raw materials has a positive effect on the life activity of Lbm. bulgaricus, Str. thermophilus and B. bifidim. The content of the metabolism final products (organic and volatile fatty acids, acetaldehyde) increases as a result of the joint cultivation of these probiotic microorganisms. This provides enhancing the taste and aroma of yogurt before freezing. The whipping rate of the finished product is 75 % and the mass fraction of dry skimmed milk residue is not less than 11.1 %. This provides the formation of homogeneous ice and lactose crystals, as well as compliance with the requirements of GOST 32929-2014 «Sour milk ice cream. Specifications». The technology of the developed fermented ice cream has been improved giventhe useof mass-produced equipment. Technological modes of production were proved based on the results of experimental studies. The implementation of this technological scheme is appropriate due to expanding the range of functional products, the practical absence of such ice cream on the market, as well as the probiotic properties of the finished product.
Keywords: fermented milk ice cream with vegetable components, formulation, technological scheme, chemical composition and properties.