Energy performance analysis of the temperature control system of an object with a random principle of thermal perturbations
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2019-18-1-84-91
UDC 697.97
Marchenko A.S. , Sulin A.B., Ryabova T.V. , Timofeyevsky A.L.
Keywords: simulation, temperature control system, random thermal perturbations.
UDC 697.97
Energy performance analysis of the temperature control system of an object with a random principle of thermal perturbations
For citation: Marchenko A.S., Sulin A.B., Ryabova T.V., Timofeevskiy A.L. Energy performance analysis of the temperature control system of an object with a random principle of thermal perturbations. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2019. No 1. p.
The application of simulation modeling to the development of a temperature control system for an object with a random nature of thermal perturbations is analyzed. The object under investigation is a room with enclosing structures made of fiberglass, inside of which there is heat-generating equipment. Its thermostating is carried out by a fully recirculating ventilation system that provides uniform blowing of the inner walls of the object with fresh air. To create a simulation model that is closest to real conditions, based on statistical meteorological data for 2016 for the city of St. Petersburg, a model of meteorological conditions was created, every three hours suggesting changing the following parameters: ambient temperature, wind speed, solar radiation intensity, and cloudiness. Heat-generating equipment located inside the serviced premises does not operate continuously. The inclusion of this equipment occurs at random times; the duration of work and the amount of heat release are also different. To take into account this condition the specified parameters are selected by the program in accordance with the Simpson distribution. The article presents graphs of changes in temperature and energy characteristics of the system for three cold and three warm days of the annual period of the system operation considered. Conclusions are drawn about the feasibility of using the simulation method in the design and development of such systems, on the possible increase in their energy efficiency, as well as on the reduction of capital and operating costs.
The application of simulation modeling to the development of a temperature control system for an object with a random nature of thermal perturbations is analyzed. The object under investigation is a room with enclosing structures made of fiberglass, inside of which there is heat-generating equipment. Its thermostating is carried out by a fully recirculating ventilation system that provides uniform blowing of the inner walls of the object with fresh air. To create a simulation model that is closest to real conditions, based on statistical meteorological data for 2016 for the city of St. Petersburg, a model of meteorological conditions was created, every three hours suggesting changing the following parameters: ambient temperature, wind speed, solar radiation intensity, and cloudiness. Heat-generating equipment located inside the serviced premises does not operate continuously. The inclusion of this equipment occurs at random times; the duration of work and the amount of heat release are also different. To take into account this condition the specified parameters are selected by the program in accordance with the Simpson distribution. The article presents graphs of changes in temperature and energy characteristics of the system for three cold and three warm days of the annual period of the system operation considered. Conclusions are drawn about the feasibility of using the simulation method in the design and development of such systems, on the possible increase in their energy efficiency, as well as on the reduction of capital and operating costs.
Keywords: simulation, temperature control system, random thermal perturbations.