Development of complex acid and milk drinks for sports food. Part 1
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2019-18-2-55-61
UDC 637.146 / 663.6/8
Zabodalova L. A., Suchkova E.P., Petrov D.A., Kritchenkov A.S.
Keywords: specialized products, sports nutrition, maltodextrin, water-salt balance, fermented milk drink.
UDC 637.146 / 663.6/8
Development of complex acid and milk drinks for sports food. Part 1
For citation: Zabodalova L.A., Suchkova E.P., Petrov D.А., Kritchenkov A.S. Development of complex acid and milk drinks for sports food. Part 1. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2019. No 2. p.55-61
The aim of the work was to substantiate and develop the composition of specialized fermented milk drinks for athletes. Currently, the interest in food for athletes is growing steadily, but the products developed are of a limited range and mainly represented by dry mixes for cocktails. Therefore, it is necessary to create complex products that is able provide the body with the necessary nutrients and biologically active components along with their having physiological properties which take into account the specific needs of the organism and based on the principles of adequacy. During the product development several variants of the composition with components that accelerate the processes of recovery and improve the performance of athletes were analyzed. The types of starter cultures were selected to produce the fermented milk basis, the doses of the carbohydrate and mineralizing components were established, and the beverage formulations were developed. The organoleptic, physico-chemical and rheological properties of beverages were studied using standard and generally accepted research methods. The shelf life and storage conditions of the finished product are determined. During the study two types of fermented milk-based drinks were developed - carbohydrate-protein fermented milk drink with the use of maltodextrin and fermented milk drink with the Regidron mineralizing component to restore water-electrolyte balance during dehydration. It is important to note that the products developed have pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic properties due to the milk base and the presence of lactic microflora in the composition. Developed drinks can be recommended for nutrition of athletes during training and competitive periods, as well as for people of an active lifestyle.
The aim of the work was to substantiate and develop the composition of specialized fermented milk drinks for athletes. Currently, the interest in food for athletes is growing steadily, but the products developed are of a limited range and mainly represented by dry mixes for cocktails. Therefore, it is necessary to create complex products that is able provide the body with the necessary nutrients and biologically active components along with their having physiological properties which take into account the specific needs of the organism and based on the principles of adequacy. During the product development several variants of the composition with components that accelerate the processes of recovery and improve the performance of athletes were analyzed. The types of starter cultures were selected to produce the fermented milk basis, the doses of the carbohydrate and mineralizing components were established, and the beverage formulations were developed. The organoleptic, physico-chemical and rheological properties of beverages were studied using standard and generally accepted research methods. The shelf life and storage conditions of the finished product are determined. During the study two types of fermented milk-based drinks were developed - carbohydrate-protein fermented milk drink with the use of maltodextrin and fermented milk drink with the Regidron mineralizing component to restore water-electrolyte balance during dehydration. It is important to note that the products developed have pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic properties due to the milk base and the presence of lactic microflora in the composition. Developed drinks can be recommended for nutrition of athletes during training and competitive periods, as well as for people of an active lifestyle.
Keywords: specialized products, sports nutrition, maltodextrin, water-salt balance, fermented milk drink.