Obtaining of drinkable water for neighbourhoods of Black Sea region
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2019-18-4-26-31
UDC 628.161
Biryuk V.V., Anisimov M.Yu., Gorshkalev Р.A., Teplyh S.Yu., Shershakova A.A.
Keywords: water supply system, water distillation, water treatment, cleaning facilities, water properties.
UDC 628.161
Obtaining of drinkable water for neighbourhoods of Black Sea region
For citation: Biryuk V.V., Anisimov M.Yu., Gorshkalev Р.A., Teplyh S.Yu., Shershakova A.A. Obtaining of drinkable water for neighbourhoods of Black Sea region. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2019. No 4. p. 26-31
Obtaining fresh drinkable water in coastal areas is of extreme importance. The article deals with water treatment features during fresh water obtaining from Black Sea. The peculiarities of water treatment at obtaining fresh water from The Black Sea water are considered. Chemical composition of initial seawater as well as requirements for fresh water were analyzed. Method of water treatment and composition of technological buildings were selected on the base seawater analysis. Three options of cleaning facilities for preparation of the seawater before distillation desalination plant were considered as well as two options of distillate mineralization for it to reach the properties of drinkable water. Two-stage filtration is most suitable during construction and less cost consuming during exploitation for seawater treatment. To make drinkable water from distillate it is suggested to add preliminary cleaned seawater in the ratio of 2.2/100. The development of a technology for obtaining fresh drinkable water from sea water will help solving the problem of water supply in coastal areas.
Obtaining fresh drinkable water in coastal areas is of extreme importance. The article deals with water treatment features during fresh water obtaining from Black Sea. The peculiarities of water treatment at obtaining fresh water from The Black Sea water are considered. Chemical composition of initial seawater as well as requirements for fresh water were analyzed. Method of water treatment and composition of technological buildings were selected on the base seawater analysis. Three options of cleaning facilities for preparation of the seawater before distillation desalination plant were considered as well as two options of distillate mineralization for it to reach the properties of drinkable water. Two-stage filtration is most suitable during construction and less cost consuming during exploitation for seawater treatment. To make drinkable water from distillate it is suggested to add preliminary cleaned seawater in the ratio of 2.2/100. The development of a technology for obtaining fresh drinkable water from sea water will help solving the problem of water supply in coastal areas.
Keywords: water supply system, water distillation, water treatment, cleaning facilities, water properties.