Approach to computation of deformation friction force during chilled fish cutting
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2019-18-4-49-56
UDC 621.565:664.95
Aqeev O.V., Naumov V. A., Fatykhov Yu. A., Samojlova N.V.
Keywords: fish, cutting, force, friction, profile, knife, edge, rheology, viscoelasticity.
UDC 621.565:664.95
Approach to computation of deformation friction force during chilled fish cutting
For citation: Ageev O.V., Naumov V.A., Fatykhov J.A., Samojlova N.V. Approach to computation of deformation friction force during chilled fish cutting. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2019. No 4. p.49-56
The approach to research of deformation friction forces during chilled fishcutting is proposed. The viscoelastic properties of chilled fish rawmaterialare described by a three-element rheological model. The mathematical description of the knife rough surface profile in the form of a dimensionless periodic function with three harmonics has been used. The dimensionless contact pressures over the microprotrusions of the cutting body rough surfacefrom the material has been analyzed. A mathematical model for computation the dimensional and dimensionless friction forces has been developed. It is shown that with an increase in the processing speed, the deformation component of the friction force tends to zero.Up to a certain sliding speed there is a full contact of the material with theirregularities of the edge. With an increase in elasticity andlengthening oftheedge of the knife theconsiderated force increases monotonously. The dependence of the dimensionless width of the micro protrusions contact area with the material on elasticity is monotonic, and the dependence of the indicated dimensionless width on the dimensionless speed is nonmonotonic.With values of elasticity measure 5, dimensionless speed of 0.001; 0.03; and 0.12, maximum amplitude of contact pressure is 1.250; 1.973; and 3.635, respectively. With values of the elasticity measure 3; 5; 8; and 12, the minimum values of the dimensionless width of the contact pad are 0.615; 0.593; 0.575; and 0.563, respectively, the limit value is 0.679. With values of the elasticity measure 5; dimensionless length of the edge10; 20; 30; and 50, values of the maximum deformation friction force are 9.345; 18.693; 28.040; and 46.724, respectively. With values of the dimensionless length of the edge20; elasticity measures 2; 5; 8; and 12, values of maximum strength are 7.471; 18.693; 29.914; and 44.876, respectively.
The approach to research of deformation friction forces during chilled fishcutting is proposed. The viscoelastic properties of chilled fish rawmaterialare described by a three-element rheological model. The mathematical description of the knife rough surface profile in the form of a dimensionless periodic function with three harmonics has been used. The dimensionless contact pressures over the microprotrusions of the cutting body rough surfacefrom the material has been analyzed. A mathematical model for computation the dimensional and dimensionless friction forces has been developed. It is shown that with an increase in the processing speed, the deformation component of the friction force tends to zero.Up to a certain sliding speed there is a full contact of the material with theirregularities of the edge. With an increase in elasticity andlengthening oftheedge of the knife theconsiderated force increases monotonously. The dependence of the dimensionless width of the micro protrusions contact area with the material on elasticity is monotonic, and the dependence of the indicated dimensionless width on the dimensionless speed is nonmonotonic.With values of elasticity measure 5, dimensionless speed of 0.001; 0.03; and 0.12, maximum amplitude of contact pressure is 1.250; 1.973; and 3.635, respectively. With values of the elasticity measure 3; 5; 8; and 12, the minimum values of the dimensionless width of the contact pad are 0.615; 0.593; 0.575; and 0.563, respectively, the limit value is 0.679. With values of the elasticity measure 5; dimensionless length of the edge10; 20; 30; and 50, values of the maximum deformation friction force are 9.345; 18.693; 28.040; and 46.724, respectively. With values of the dimensionless length of the edge20; elasticity measures 2; 5; 8; and 12, values of maximum strength are 7.471; 18.693; 29.914; and 44.876, respectively.
Keywords: fish, cutting, force, friction, profile, knife, edge, rheology, viscoelasticity.