Forecasting and management of sausage production on the basis of unified models.
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2019-18-4-64-70
UDC 637.52(075.8)
Lazarev V. L., Gorohov V.L., Vlasov D.A.
Keywords: sausage production, chamber furnaces, tunnel furnaces, mathematical models, monitoring, control.
UDC 637.52(075.8)
Forecasting and management of sausage production on the basis of unified models.
For citation: Lazarev V.L., Gorokhov V.L., Vlasov D.A. Forecasting and management of sausage production on the basis of unified models. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2019. No 4. p.64-70
The paper deals with the development of approaches and mathematical models for predicting and organizing the production of sausage products. A systematic approach to the synthesis of models to describe the dependence of the performance of the main types of equipment – units of chamber and tunnel types - on production and technological factors is presented. The approach is based on the principles of unification and typification of models. The methodology of obtaining the schedule of production for the enterprise using different schemes and operation modes for various types of equipment is described. With the use of the above approach and a set of standard unified models it is possible to predict and optimize production in different situations. This creates the conditions for timely supply of products to consumers and improves the efficiency of the forwarding service. Monitoring methods and technologies are programmable and can be integrated into an enterprise management system. The proposed approach can also be used in solving similar problems in other industries where such equipment is used.
The paper deals with the development of approaches and mathematical models for predicting and organizing the production of sausage products. A systematic approach to the synthesis of models to describe the dependence of the performance of the main types of equipment – units of chamber and tunnel types - on production and technological factors is presented. The approach is based on the principles of unification and typification of models. The methodology of obtaining the schedule of production for the enterprise using different schemes and operation modes for various types of equipment is described. With the use of the above approach and a set of standard unified models it is possible to predict and optimize production in different situations. This creates the conditions for timely supply of products to consumers and improves the efficiency of the forwarding service. Monitoring methods and technologies are programmable and can be integrated into an enterprise management system. The proposed approach can also be used in solving similar problems in other industries where such equipment is used.
Keywords: sausage production, chamber furnaces, tunnel furnaces, mathematical models, monitoring, control.