Complex method for automated designing two-sectional centrifugal compressors stage with 3d impeller
DOI: 10.17586/1606‑4313‑2020‑19‑1-3-11
UDC 621.515
Danilishin A.M., Kozhukhov Y.V., Simonov A.M.
Keywords: computer-aided design, two-stage stage, axial radial impeller, centrifugal compressor, viscous calculation, optimization.
UDC 621.515
Complex method for automated designing two-sectional centrifugal compressors stage with 3d impeller
For citation: Danilishin A.M., Kozhukhov Y.V., Simonov A.M. Complex method for automated designing two-sectional centrifugal compressors stage with 3d impeller. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2020. No 1. p.3-11.
In terms of the current trend for reducing experimental work in the field of compressor engineering, a comprehensive method for automated gas-dynamic designing and profiling a two-stage stage for a centrifugal compressor with an axial-radial impeller has been developed for R & D. The method consists of the synthesis of traditional design approaches using non-viscous quasi-three-dimensional and modern viscous three-dimensional calculations followed by multiparametric and multicriterial optimization. The design process is an alternate process for solving the inverse and direct problem of gas-dynamic calculation. The inverse problem is carried out according to well-established methods of designing at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The direct task is the variant profiling of the flow path with the achievement of a rational distribution of the relative velocities of the nonviscous flow on the impeller blades. The loss coefficients in the impeller and vaneless diffuser are estimated on the basis of approximate methods. To clarify the losses and pressure, a viscous three-dimensional calculation is made with an estimated gas-dynamic characteristic. If necessary, the design process is repeated first with new loss factors. At the final stage, in order to achieve perfection of the flow part, multicriterial and multiparameteric optimization is carried out. The article provides an example of successful optimization for a two-stage model stage with an axial radial impeller. The results of the estimated calculation of the loss characteristics in the flow part are demonstrated in comparison with experimental data. The distribution of speeds on three current lines and the calculated characteristic of the theoretical head for the test grid of an axial radial impeller are shown.
In terms of the current trend for reducing experimental work in the field of compressor engineering, a comprehensive method for automated gas-dynamic designing and profiling a two-stage stage for a centrifugal compressor with an axial-radial impeller has been developed for R & D. The method consists of the synthesis of traditional design approaches using non-viscous quasi-three-dimensional and modern viscous three-dimensional calculations followed by multiparametric and multicriterial optimization. The design process is an alternate process for solving the inverse and direct problem of gas-dynamic calculation. The inverse problem is carried out according to well-established methods of designing at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The direct task is the variant profiling of the flow path with the achievement of a rational distribution of the relative velocities of the nonviscous flow on the impeller blades. The loss coefficients in the impeller and vaneless diffuser are estimated on the basis of approximate methods. To clarify the losses and pressure, a viscous three-dimensional calculation is made with an estimated gas-dynamic characteristic. If necessary, the design process is repeated first with new loss factors. At the final stage, in order to achieve perfection of the flow part, multicriterial and multiparameteric optimization is carried out. The article provides an example of successful optimization for a two-stage model stage with an axial radial impeller. The results of the estimated calculation of the loss characteristics in the flow part are demonstrated in comparison with experimental data. The distribution of speeds on three current lines and the calculated characteristic of the theoretical head for the test grid of an axial radial impeller are shown.
Keywords: computer-aided design, two-stage stage, axial radial impeller, centrifugal compressor, viscous calculation, optimization.